Explore the new Syllabus Tool

The existing syllabus tool will be retired following the end of the Fall 2019 semester, the morning of January 17, 2020. Users are encouraged to migrate content from this application into the new Syllabus tool prior to the date of retirement. You can do this by visiting our help document on migrating syllabi here.

Online Syllabus Tool

New Syllabus Tool Available


There is a new way to create and share your syllabus with your students! Users are encouraged to explore the new Syllabus application, build out syllabi, or transfer content from the existing tool into the new one. Look for more updates and new features in 2020 as we continue to improve the user experience.

For more information about how to use the Syllabus Tool, please visit the help documentation.

About Syllabus

Academic Technology’s Syllabus tool allows faculty and academic office coordinators to build and manage class syllabi. The service draws content from campus databases and allows users to create, share, and re-use syllabi in ways that save time and allow for a paperless approach to managing this resource. Users can publish accessible versions in multiple formats including directly into iLearn courses.

Faculty can start using this service by simply logging in.

If you have questions or need help, please contact our AT Help Desk

Phone: 415-405-5555
Email: online@sfsu.edu